Saturday, September 14, 2013

3I: Trouble in Paradise

You those people that love storms. The way the thunder and lightning clash together, having a huge fight in the sky. They love the pitter patter or large raindrops falling on the cement of the residence parking lot. Those people were in heaven a few days ago during the storm, yet I was in a hell like nightmare. I hate thunder storms. When I lived at home, I would hide under a large comforter and watch a movie and wait the storm out.
                It was worse for me this week because we lost internet around 6:30pm and I still had an Italian assignment to do, and sadly I couldn't complete it in time. I emailed my professor frantically, yet I know it was too late in the hour, so she wouldn't answer me.

                The next day, I spoke with her after class. I had explained to her that the assignment had closed before I had a chance to complete it and she calmly told me that, this could happen to anyone and she would reopen the assignment because, chances are, it did happen to someone else. This made me realize that not all professors are “out to get me.”

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