Saturday, September 28, 2013

5B: Social Butterfly or Academic Wizard?

This week we did a time sheet recording, basically, everything we did for a week. I expected most of my time to be spent sleeping and socializing, yet I was only ½ right. I do spend most of my time sleeping in a week (no surprise, I expect most people do) but I actually spent the second most time on homework.
                Though I only have 2-3 classes a day, the work load is much more then it was in high school. Even though I start my homework right after classes, I find myself often doing homework late into the night. But I know why. Most of my homework usually consist of reading, which is my downfall. I was able to go well over 30-40 hours (the recommended amount of time a week to spend on homework) a week but I am a very slow reader and it is more difficult for me to do it then most. But there is one thing that I am lacking on: socializing.
                Though I do socialize with my roommate when I’m done with my work and with friends during lunch or on the walk back from class, I find that outside of those things I don’t have much time to socialize during the week. I find that the time I spend socializing is almost ½ as small as the time I spend doing work and sleeping which is usually opposite for most. But part of me doesn’t want this to change.

                I am finding such a good success in the quality of my work and the success of my grades, why would I want to jeopardize this? Some may argue that, you need to be outgoing and social with everyone to get the true college experience and find your most happiness. But I’m happy with the good grades I have and the pride that comes along with them. In the end, I think whats best is doing my work and seeing if I have time to socialize after, or I could even plan times to hang out with people so I know what I have to work with.
Though I didn't get out much this weekend, one of my best friends from high school came to visit me :) 

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