In this first month of school, we have learned concepts that
have taught us how to essentially survive our freshman year. But we have also
learned the ways to succeed our first year. We will face so many new problems
and struggles this year because, so many of us are under a brand new
environment with no one to tell us, or no one to really help us through this,
because everyone around us is new at this. So every article we reading are helping
us make it through the first year successfully
This week’s
article was no different. We read “Angela Duckworth and the Research on ‘Grit’
by Emily Hanford” article (
about grit, or the ability to ultimately overcome and finish large, challenging
tasks. People with the motivation to complete the tasks at hand no matter how tough,
have the most grit. This could directly relate with the motivation articles we
read some time ago. You need to focus on something that is important to you, or
your overall goals of why you want to finish college and set your mind to
making and completing them through small easy steps.
One thing
that stood out to me in this week’s reading, though, was, “the grittiest
students—not the smartest ones—had the highest GPAs.” In other words, you don’t
have to be naturally smart to be smart in school. If you work towards your
goals and have a high motivation, you have the ability to succeed, you just
have to work towards it.
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