Tuesday, December 17, 2013

16V: Freedom

                FREEDOM!! Right now, freedom to me means a month off of school. It means getting away from the general taste of Conn dining hall food. It means getting away from something I don’t want to be in at the moment. The real definition of freedom is, the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.

16ABI: This is the End....

                Well first semester of my college year, we are coming to a close! And though this has been one of my most strenuous semesters of schooling, I have gained more knowledge in this one term then I have in most of my years in high school. Though it might have been tough, no task has ever come easy.
                High school was always a struggle for me. I had terrible time management skills and would always just skip out on doing assignments if they got too tough for me. But once I got to college, I realized I needed to step up my game. At first, it was a tough transition. But once I got started, I got much better and it became much more natural.
                I have realized that I’m more of a perfectionist then I though. Once I got an assignment I had the drive and knew that I had to finish it. But the problem I faced was the initial procrastination. I have always waited till the last minute to do things my whole life. So that’s one thing I’m continuing to overcome. With most of my classes I didn’t let the work load overcome me, yet I will admit I did with English. I wrote my essays the night before most times. I realize this was bad, I even wrote about it in my English self-evaluation. One thing I mentioned was,

“In high school, if I didn’t know what to write, I wouldn’t write, I would hand in assignments really late and get points off because I procrastinated with writer’s block and then I just gave up because it was too difficult. I’ve learned that I need to push through that feeling of not knowing what to do and just do something/anything.”

I realize what I need to do now, and though it might be the end of one semester, I know what I have to improve on next semester and I can work on it. Something that helps me is when I brainstorm my ideas and organize them before I write.
                Although I have only been saying many of my struggles, I have improved on many of my other things. I have learned to not skip out on my work because it does add up. I have completed every assignment I was given because I realized how important everything was to, not only my grade, but my learning experience. I don’t think I would retained all the information I was given if I didn’t complete all my work. This was a mistake I made in high school, and I know I needed to do it for my grades but I had no idea that my knowledge would increase.

                I think, despite my procrastination, this semester was a success. I worked so hard in all my classes. INQ and Italian are among that classes that I learned the most in. I believe what helped in these classes were the repetitive learning. We reviewed the information several times and it helped engrave it into my brain. I probably had the most trouble in my English class. As I talked about before, I had trouble getting my thoughts onto paper. But with all of this said, I believe I did fairly well on my first semester of college and I laid down good stepping stones for my years of college to come. 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

15V: Autonomy

Autonomy: the state or condition of having independence or freedom, or of being autonomous; self-government, or the right of self-government.  This means you have the right and the opportunity to make your own choices in a nutshell. You have to choose what’s best for you and your future.

15I: Taking My Own Advice

                This week I applied to a job on campus. As many of you might know, my video project is about how to make money on campus while in college. For part of my project, I decided that I was going to do a tutorial of how to fill one out. But, before recording me showing off the application, I realized how easy the application really was. So I filled it out and am now applied to Barnes and Noble on campus. Now if I can get the job, my video project for inquiry class with helping people find a job can be a real success!

15B: They're Here!!

                A big part of the college expectation is tough finals. In the movies, they portray them as the breaking point of a class. They lead you to believe that, all the work you have done up to that very moment doesn’t even matter because if you fail that final, there is no hope and the teachers seem to show no mercy. This may be true for some classes in real world; for example, my English final is all of my collective work and there is not much graded assignments beyond that so if you don’t hand in, or fail the final you are doomed. But, on the other hand, my Italian class, the final is only 10% of my grade, so if I fail or don’t even show up, yes it will affect my grade, but if I did all the work up to then and got good grades, I have a good chance of still passing.

                But it still kind of a big deal. Even if your grade is at the bottom, you can come back and get a good average. I’m preparing in the simplest way possible; I’m studying my butt off!! I don’t want to take any chances with my grade averages so I am going to be working my best. I have been studying the past week for each class occasionally but I don’t really focus on one class till the day before that final. This way I can still sleep on the information but it is still fresh in my brain from the day before. As said in my previous blog, revise. If you have a project, look it over several time and have multiple drafts and feedback so you know what you can work on and know that every mistake is caught!!

15A: A Revision is Necessary!!

               Two weeks ago, I talked about how I was going to make my final and several things to include in it. Though it was a long, intensive process of making the rough draft, I finally figured out some of the things I needed to do.
                First, I needed to figure out how to record the process of me filling out the resume for the book store. To my complete and utter shock, I found out that the resume was online and not a paper one I could just record myself filling out!! So I used the resource of all college students and googled it. From that I found out that I could record my laptop screen and everything I was doing (this may not sound that crazy to some, but for those who don’t know I am very anti tech savvy.) And once I finally completed that I added a few notes and facts into my video.
                Though I wasn’t quite done, I posted the video on my blog as a rough draft and we viewed it I class. The issues I had with the project were minor things that I could easily fix. First, when I click my mouse for the resume tutorial portion, it is very loud and it drowns out other noises. What I am going to get a portable mouse and plug it in so you can’t hear the loud tap of the key pad. I also need to include some hard facts and/or statistics of college students in need of money and how they plan on making it. i might also
include quotes from my friends about how they make money while in school. With that I will include a comparison of commuters to on campus residents along with my personal ways of making money to go to school and have some spending money on the side!

                With all of this said, I know I’m on to a good start to help my fellow college student stay educated on how to fix the problem of limited funds while in school. 

Saturday, November 30, 2013

14V: Investment

When I think of this word of the week, investment, I think of the commitment and the time put into a topic or idea to have a greater outcome. The official definition is, an act of devoting time, effort, or energy to a particular undertaking with the expectation of a worthwhile result.
Two other words I chose this week to define are:
Thanks: I chose to define this on behalf of Thanksgiving. It means to express gratitude towards something.

And here is a random word this week: Paragon. This means a model or pattern of excellence or of a particular excellence 

14I: Music Monday

I was in my room on a Monday night doing my homework, when my friend from Newtown was up at Southern. I decided to go meet her at the event she was at in the Farnham Programing Space. There I saw one of the winners of the voice, Javier Colon. He was actually the first winner of the voice. Now I’ve never heard of him before this but I will be an advocate for him in the future. He had an amazing range and his voice was so powerful, and with the mood he had, he made everyone feel his positive energy and want to sing along. Plus I got a free t-shirt out of it. Overall it was a great night spent with a great friend.

14B: It Doesn't Get Much Cheesier Then This

                This past year has been full of change and finding a new normal for not only myself, but for everyone in this new environment we call college.
                The first thing I’m thankful for is the opportunities I’ve been given. One I’m referring to is the opportunity to go to college and live on campus. This may not seem like a large deal to some but living at college has been my ideal thought ever since I was a child. All of this wouldn’t be possible if I didn’t get a scholarship from my town that paid a large portion of my tuition. Without this, I know I wouldn’t be able to live on campus, and possibly not be able to go to Southern. Without all of this, I wouldn’t have met some of the amazing friends I have made and the opportunity to pursue my dream and intended major of becoming a teacher.
                One of the other opportunities I have been so graciously given is the things I’ve been given towards my musical career. I have been able to meet, preform and work with many Broadway actor, directors, and producers. These are opportunities given because of tragedy but enhanced into a resume builder and career in music.    
                What I’m also thankful for is the most cliché of all: My family. Though we may disagree on some things, I love them. They have helped me reach Southern and let me fully experience the college life, which I am truly grateful for.
                I’m also thankful for my freshman inquiry class. Not this may not be something I say I’m thankful for at the dining room table, I really am grateful for this class. Without it, I wouldn’t know how to register for my classes, stay motivated, or even be remotely prepared for the work load I would acquire as a freshman

                This year has been a bumpy ride, but everything has happened for a reason and I’ve learned so much and I feel so blessed.  Happy Thanksgiving Everyone, have a great holiday!!

14A: The Thrills of Finals

                I have always been a nervous test taker. I study as much as I can, though I can still feel so unprepared. I get clammy, I forget half the things I studied and I rush through the exam just to have a feeling of slight relief.
                And though some people may consider me a thrill junky, taking tests is not exactly what I had in mind. So I’ve decided to take things at a different direction this time. Obviously I will still be studying for my tests, I am going to take a break from the whole college life for a little while. I mean, I’m going to get off campus and in a more carefree environment to study, where I’m not surrounded by the constant pressure of school.
                You see, when I’m around school, or in school, it makes me more anxious and nervous. But with the different approach, I’m going to be staying in my dorm a lot more, or going off campus to a friend’s house to study. When I’m around a school environment less, I can step away from the books for a minute and take a breather without the constant reminder that being in college is a huge deal. I need to focus on the tests more, and less about the overall outcome of the tests.

                As I’ve said in many previous posts, you need to think of all the possible outcomes of your actions and decisions, the plan is to focus on that less. My plan for finals is to strictly focus on studying the information of my exam. Don’t think about, “what if I fail,” just think about knowing the information and taking the exam. Relax and test on!! 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

13V: Purpose

This week’s assigned vocab word is purpose. When I hear this word, I self-define it as, something or someone that specializes in a specific thing. Whatever that thing is, that is its purpose. The dictionary defines it as, “have as one's intention or objective.”

The two other vocab words I have chosen to define are:

Rituals: Sacred acts done over and over to remind people of the original event

Substantive: Belief in spiritual beings-typically decanted ancestors 

13I: The Hunger Games Refresher

I’ve never been much of a book reader, but movies that are based upon books, always seem to be the best. The Hunger Games is no different. I saw The Hunger Games for the first time two years ago, the night after it premiered. It was fantastic. So when the news broke that the second one was coming out, Catching Fire, I was thrilled. So to fully prepare myself for the premiere, I saw the first Hunger Games in the Student Center Theater. It was a nice, inexpensive, on campus way to spend an evening. Plus when I saw the Hunger Games last night, my mind was fully refreshed!

13B: I'll Help You....Creatively

                Those of you that have read my blog before, remember my midterm video project: The Perks of Living on Campus. This video explored the positive aspects of college life. For my final video project, we make a slight change. This will be focusing on the problems of college and ways we can fix them. My project is based upon how the poor college student make money.
                To make a creative appeal to my last project I did many things. Some of the things I did that positively affected my grade, I will incorporate into my final project, in the hopes of an even higher marking. Last time, I put music throughout the whole video. The songs I chose were upbeat and had a happy feeling to them. This gave the video a positive feeling which, in the long run, is what I want people to feel, it’s great to live on campus! For this final video, I plan on doing the same thing. Lake last time, the songs chosen will incorporate a happy feeling, maybe even some hopeful songs, to make them feel, “Anything’s possible, and if I truly try, I can get a job!” Also, like last time, I will include some personal photos of me and my experiences. Maybe I’ll post a picture of me at the job I paid for college with, or I will post a photo of me at my new job back in my home town.

                Though I will be keeping some of the old techniques I used in my last video, I will spice it up with some new, creative ones as well. As I discussed in my previous post, I will be posting a video of me filling out an application to a job, maybe on campus. This is a creative way of helping people walk through the process of filling out an application. This will hopefully show people how easy it is, so I can reach my overall goal of making money as a college student. 

13A: May the Finals Begin

The first semester of college is coming close to an end. We have all had to change and morph into a cliché college student just to get the great grades we were hoping for (stay away to the wee hours of the morning, spending your downtime studying for tests you feel completely unprepared for and going to the office hours most professors strongly advise and suggest but most students end up avoiding.) And if there hasn’t been enough stress already, finals are about to begin.
                This week, I will be intensely focused on finishing my rough draft of my Inquiry 101 class final, before I go home for the thanksgiving recess.  This project is supposed to pool together all my knowledge and resources of what I’ve learned this semester into one great video project. The video will be focusing on have 5 distinct components; describing the problem, exploring possible outcomes and proposing the best solution(s), providing useful information about resources on campus that students can access in dealing with the problem, ample research, interviews, quotes from readings, facts, or other evidence to support both the description of the problem and the proposal of the solution(s), and using creativity to engage your audience.
                The problem I have chosen to address and find a way to solve is, the lack of money college students have and how they can go about making money whilst in school. I chose this topic because it is a problem that many college students face, especially here at SCSU. As college students, we are constantly wanting to be independent and go out and act like the adults we so desperately want to be. But this reality is hard to face as a college student.

                To make this final, high college-level material I have many things planned to be put into the project. I will include, ways to research jobs either on or near campus, as well as look at possible transportation to get to jobs off campus. I will also include specific examples of jobs on campus and how you would go about applying for said jobs. Along with that, I will hopefully acquire a job application and record a video of me filling out an application, sort of like a tutorial. With all this information, it physically tells you everything you need to do to get a job and how to apply. This video is informational and a great utilization of my resources put into one simple video for you to find a job. Keep a look out for it!!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

12V: Interdisciplinary Perspective

 This weeks assigned vocab word:
  1.        Interdisciplinary Perspective: Interdisciplinary means involving more than one academic subject.  So with perspective that means have outlooks on one or more academic subjects

2 other word I learned this week:
  1.     Mercurial: at a constant state of change.
  2.       Neuroplasticity: refers to changes in neural pathways and synapses which are due to changes in behavior, environment and neural processes, as well as changes resulting from bodily injury.

12I: Win/Win

This week, I decided that, my room had too many people in it and everyone was talking. Though I love having company, I decided that I needed to get my homework done. So when I went to the student center by myself, I got food and sat in the couches in the back. Not only is this comfortable, but it is also secluded from everyone else, so in case I do know someone, there is a smaller chance of running into them. This was a good place to study and there was food, it was a win/win situation.

Photo link:  http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/pixelsaway/pixelsaway1110/pixelsaway111000056/10982792-win-win-strategy-concept--white-chalk-writing-on-a-small-slate-blackboard-isolated-on-white.jpg

12B: Back by Popular Demand...!!!

For my last week’s blog post, I made a series of inquiry questions that you would expect on a quiz or assessment for our INQ 101 class. Now, back by popular demand, we will be doing the same thing based on this week’s readings. But this time I will focus more on less questions. The first one I came up with was:
Q: In what ways will a liberal arts education help you to find a job in the future? How will you stand out from other people? Use evidence from the readings to explain your reasoning.
                Now let’s start with, why this is a college level inquiry question. There are 3 parts to this question. The first part makes you refer to the readings but you also you have to have to have some opinion based and you must use critical thinking to link it between your readings and opinions. The second part of the question goes back to the first part and makes you use your previous knowledge to further explore the topic. The third part is just explaining, to get full credit you need to explain using evidence, maybe even quotes.
                Now to further help you understand a college level question, I will be answering this to, what I believe, is a college worthy answer.

A: In this week’s readings we learned all about the liberal arts education program. As said in the article, “What is college for?” it says, that when kids find classes boring, they find a lack of interest studying for them outside of school. But with the liberal arts education program, people can choose classes they actually might enjoy and explore those further, hence enhancing their want to study and raising their rate for success. With the liberal arts, it will help you stand out in a group of potential employees in a job interview because you have something you specialize in. It shows that you can teach children something specific and it’ll have that advantage against every other interviewee. With that said, it will also help you to have a potential back up career in case you can’t find one in education.

12A: Liberal Success

In my high school, I got to make my own schedule. Some of the classes were mandatory but I would get to choose my other ones. Some classes I would take for fun and others for an easy A but in many ways this is a good comparison to what it is like now in college.
Many universities now offer what is called a liberal arts education. This program teaches you to go outside the box, it teaches you to explore other things besides you major, for example. There are several reasons this is so important. Not only does is help you learn about new things but it could lead to the discovery of something else you want to do with your life, or it can allow you to stand out among
a group of job applicants.
My major is a perfect example of a liberal arts education program here at Southern. For the education major, you have to choose a second major as well. They do this for many different reasons. First, they want teachers to be specialized in soothing other than education (math, reading, writing, science, etc.)  This will help you stand out in a group of potential employees in a major and have something you specialize in. With that said, it will also help you to have a potential back up career in case you can’t find one in education.

In this week’s readings we learned all about the liberal arts education program. As said in the article, “What is college for?” it says, that when kids find classes boring, they find a lack of interest studying for them outside of school. But with the liberal arts education program, people can choose classes they actually might enjoy and explore those further, hence enhancing their want to study and raising their rate for success. 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

11V: Innovation

The word i have to define this week for inquiry is innovation. When I hear this word I think of older times when the world started advancing in technology and stuff like that. The actual definition of innovation is the act or process of change. 

Two other words I learned this week are 
  • Impavid: meaning to have no fear, not to be afraid
  • Dire: dreadful, causing fear or suffering

11I: Dodgeball

This week I decided to go see my friend play dodge ball. Though I do not play and intermural watching her play. Not only do the teams get really competitive, but they are all really supportive of everyone on the team. The team play 3 games against each other and the tea with the best out of 3 wins. When I watched them play, they were down to the third game with one win each but sadly my friend loss. Though they lost it was fun to watch and we took a trip to conn after!!

Photo Link: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgCs8EOh7xnEB750e715E91tJ_6ygo2cZZ-Cg18QHSK-2h6HelLKYJ8KX4jSH4m3a-NHC0zy1gvPV96bZa7rre0I_T9SSDkgxeq7mo_6q_N86hSgS2_g2DPE1zdT2WjYfPnwmFVLtZqFks/s1600/patcheso.png

11B: My Peer Analysis

                What makes a question good? How do we know if its “College-level” or not? But have no fear!! I’m going to provide you with examples and an analysis of a good question. AND along with that, I will tell you what to expect when taking a college level question!!
                I will be looking at the blogs of my fellow classmates and choosing my favorite ones. These questions will best exemplify a college level question and what to include when write and answering it.
                The first question that is a good example of a college level question is By Paige is, "What are some ways college students can cultivate creativity, and how it can important to their future?” I think this is a good question because it asks you to explore your college life, something all of us inquiry students are going to. This will give us a chance to relate it to us personally and with that, we will probably elaborate further on the question. This questions also has some requirement for looking into your readings into what good creativity, or how you create good creativity.
                The next question I analyzed was “How can boredom produce creativity?” which was created by Kali. Though this is only a one part question, you can answer it in a multitude of ways. You can first answer it factually. In the reading it talks about how boredom is the prelude to creativity. You can also answer this question opinionated. You can compare yourself to how you think when you’re bored. But if you want a good college level question, you should answer it all of the possible ways.

                Both of these questions are good examples of college level questions basically because they make you explore more into detail thoughts. They make you critically think, which is what college is all about.

11A: Creative Minds Think Alike

This week’s readings were based upon the time and patience that goes into creating good imagination and creativity. For this week’s blog, we are asked to come up with possible quiz questions that we believe could appear on an assignment for these readings in our INQ class. These questions must be college level questions that cause you, not only to prove that you did the reading, but make you analyze and come up with a theory on your own.
                The first question I thought of was, In what ways does boredom and loneliness spark imagination and creativity? Do you agree with this theory, why or why not?” Now what makes this a college level question? This is a two part question. The first part (underlined) is a more factual analysis of the question. It makes you think back to what you learned and base your answer on the readings. The second part (not underlined) is more of an opinionated analysis of the information of what you learned. With this you get a well-rounded outlook on the question, and if you read the reading, a question like this should come easy.
                The next question I thought of is, What sorts of things are distracting us from ‘The Joys of Boredom’? In what way is this stunting our creative minds?” Like the previous question, there are two parts to the questions. Though both parts seem to be more factual analysis of the readings. But like the first one, with this you still get a well-rounded outlook on the question, and if you read the reading, a question like this should come easy.
                The next question I came up with is a little different from the first ones. For your homework you read about 32 different types of new coming inventions. Which invention do you think will most benefit the health/wellness of American society as a whole? Which part has little/no positive benefits to Americans health and benefits?” Unlike the other questions this is three parts. The first part (Underlined) is and explanation of what you read. The last 2 parts (italicized and just bold) are factual opinion based questions.
                The last college-level question I made was, “In what ways has college stunted or helped you creativity and imagination. Use specific examples and relate it to what you’ve read this week.” Though this question is a little more general then the others, it helps us relate to college, which is the point of our inquiry class. It causes you to think over a broader spectrum.
                The question I am going to show a sample answer to you is, “In what ways does boredom and loneliness spark imagination and creativity? Do you agree with this theory, why or why not?”

We are most human when we are bored, and though we feel as if we accomplish nothing when we are, it is actually the best time to. In this week’s reading boredom is defined as the prelude to creativity and loneliness is the prelude to engagement of imagination. I believe this is because when we are alone, we are left alone with our own thoughts and minds. Hence we come up with new ideas in our mind. I agree with this. When we are by ourselves, we usually get to thinking as a way to entertain ourselves and with this, we can spark something new.

Photo Link: http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/lightwise/lightwise1202/lightwise120200033/12353881-imagine-and-invent-as-human-imagination-and-creative-man-as-the-intelligent-brain-with-a-front-facin.jpg

Saturday, November 2, 2013

10V: Creativity

This week’s vocab word:
Everyone is creative in some way; academically, artistically or many other ways. I believe I have a fair amount of creativity as well. Mine is in the art department, I am musically creative. Creativity is defined as: the use of the imagination or original ideas. When you use what you’re good at that defines who you are, to create something, you are being creative.
Other words I learned this week:
                Exchange Theory: Maximize your rewards and avoid costs. You can bargain with things like money, personality, commitment, etc.

                Habitual Effect: When you become used to something, like a habit, and it becomes boring after a period of time. You lose passion. 

10I: A Whole New World

                This week I had a chance to take a bus down to University of New Haven. I took it with my friend Sam so she could go see her boyfriend. The bus ride, though cheap, took us about 50 minutes to get there, but if we took a cab, would have taken only about 10 minutes. But when we got there it was so different and strange to be on another college campus in the same town. The rooms were completely different. What felt the weirdest to me was how we all live in the same town and know of similar restaurants but that’s generally it. We live in two totally separate world, but it was nice to see how they live too.

Link to photo: https://alumni.newhaven.edu/image/unh-message-header.jpg

Friday, November 1, 2013

10B: This is Me

                In my blog, I try to discuss different parts of my freshman year of college and ways to succeed, while incorporating personal experiences and tips that I’ve acquired, not just from my first few months at college, but over a life time. Though this blog post may be a little different. For this blog post, I will be answering a series of questions that talk about myself and different inspirations and values that I hold.  
                Listed below are questions that I’ve decided to answer this week:
1.       What is the first creative moment you remember?
2.       Was anyone there is witness or appreciate it?
One of the first creative moments I remember as a child was probably writing my first song. Though I was thirteen and had known nothing of “love” I as if I had lived it all before. I’d write about a man coming to protect me from all wrong and things along that nature.
My best friend from back home is actually my neighbor, so we spent all the time in the world together. So, for me, it comes as no surprise that I wrote this song while I was with her. We wrote of love we have never felt, and of heartbreak that would appear only in the scariest of nightmares. But we used to write together and see who came up with the best song (naturally I always won because I was the older of the two of us!) And with all of this being said, it is great to experience a creative moment with a friend, or someone in general, because they can verify that it really is great.
3.       What is the best idea you’ve ever had?
4.       What made it great in your mind?
The best idea I’ve ever had… well this is tricky to narrow it down to one topic. We’ve all experienced a few spontaneous ideas here and there, but my all-time top would have to be the choice of coming to college.
For one, in today’s society, it is hard to get a good job without a college degree. But also, I know the journey is going to be long and stressful but I know that in the end, I will be happy with my choice. If I didn’t go to college, I wouldn’t have been so independent and have made the effort to take control of my own future

And for the last set of questions today:
5.       What is the dumbest idea?
6.       What made it stupid?
7.       Can you connect the dots that led you to this idea?

Probably one of the dumbest ideas I’ve had in my life was taking a break from my job at the daycare I had previously worked at. I loved working there with the children, and since I am going to be a teacher in the future, it only helps my resume. I originally took a break because I was applying for school and I was getting stressed with all the senior school work on top of that. the thing that made it so tough, was the fact that I couldn’t return when I wanted to because they filled my spot. That was my favorite job, and I regret that I threw it away.

I’m happy to have shared a little information about myself with you this week, hope you look forward to more next week J

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

10A: Dorm Life Video Reflection

I know I made the right choice coming to Southern. The environment here is so welcoming and there are many resources to help you become successful now and in the future for your career. Not only that, but I’ve always wanted to have the experience of moving out of my house and living on a campus, and SCSU offers great facilities to feel right at home. So, when making my Southern Spirit video for my INQ class, I chose something that I enjoy while being here; dorming/living on campus.
                Looking back at the video, I fulfilled the time requirement (6 minutes), I have a solid introduction stating my name, class and the topic I would be covering, and I addressed many solid points of my reasons for living on campus with supporting evidence. I posted a working link on my blog before the due date and my video was technologically appealing (graphically and musically.) But I feel there was one part I lacked in; interviewing. Though I did interview two people, I feel as if I could have gone more in depth with my interviews. I could possibly include a video instead of just quotes. And if I didn’t want to put a video in, I could have elaborated more on my quotes.
                Something that caught my interest and I feel, kept people interested, was the music. Though it doesn’t have to do with the topic of dorming, it was upbeat and catchy and paying attention to the video, rather than a silent film, losing the audience.

                If I were to grade myself, I would probably give myself a B. Though I addressed many topics, I could have elaborated in curtain areas, like the interviews as I’ve stated above. In general, I feel as though I could have personally took more time with the project and elaborated in multiple areas, such as the different things to do on campus, or even, what the dorm rooms included. 

Saturday, October 26, 2013

9V: Critical Thinking....and More!!

Critical Thinking: I remember learning about critical thinking in my Sociology class. We learned that it means: using skilled judgment and using cognitive skills to identify, analyze and evaluate situations.

                Other words I learned this week:
Traditionalists: people that do things that come from the past (tradition)

Familism: most important thing to an individual is family

9I: INQ Meeting

                This week, I met with my INQ professor to discuss my plans for classes for next semester. We talked about what classes I have to take for my intended major and what classes are required for me to graduate. We looked at what classes I was doing well at and what ones I could do well at next semester. This was incredibly helpful for me, being a first semester freshman in college, because, though we are supposed to be independent, learning how to register is very helpful and a good way to help ease the transition from being told exactly what to do and be reminded every second, to being completely on my own. 

9B: Turning My Failures into Success

                Have you ever heard, you are who you hang out with? Well, from personal experience, I have a feeling this is true. My friends in school were never really into grades and just sort of got by in school. We were just out for a good time and never really put time aside to do work.
                But coming to college, I feel as if everyone’s goals are more similar, and I have a goal of what I want to be, and am more inclined to do well. With this said, I believe my goals have reflected greatly on my grades. I am doing so much better than I did in high school and I know it’s because I have been very focused on my school work and less on going out and hanging out with my friends.
                I’ve gotten all A’s and high B’s in all my classes which is all I've could hoped for, so for that, I am very proud of myself. Yet some grades make me very frustrated, like my INQ class I have an 89. Though that is far from a bad grade, it is one point lower than an A, which makes me think, what could I have done to get that one extra point?
                Though, with this frustration, I can channel it into my work so I can get a better grade. The things that I feel I need to do more is, stop procrastinating on my homework and maybe speak up more in class.

                Like I’ve talked about previously, with failure comes learning and growing. So like any other failure I will take that I believe I’ve been slacking at and fix it, then start to do things a new way, so I can succeed. 

9A: There Once Was a Good Critical Thinker....

College can be a struggle for some. You are suddenly cut off from the everyday support system of your close family and friends of back home and are stranded to learn how to live more of an individual lifestyle. Though the teachers are always willing to help, you are basically on your own for decision making. These decisions you make are really important because they are ultimately the choices that will affect your future. So with big choices, you should think of all the possible outcomes, so you can make the best choices for your future.
                Something that comes with good critical thinking is weighing your options. I suggest making a pro/con list. You come up with every good or bad thing comes with making the big decision and whichever side has more things on it, decides whether or not you do it.
                Lately, I’ve been thinking about, not just the classes I’m currently taking, but what classes I’m thinking about taking next semester. While I was looking at the classes I have to take, I was given choices. I read each course description and weighed what things I was good at so I know what class I will most likely succeed at.

                But even looking at the courses I’m taking now; every night I have the choice of doing my homework or going to hang out with friends. Though this may be a small choice, I know if I don’t do my homework that night, I will get an “F” for that grade. This lazy motivation, could cause a streak of bad grades in the future. Though this situation may seem outrageous to some, this is a possible situation and in the end, a good critical thinker has to think of everything that can possibly happen. 

link to photo:http://netdna.copyblogger.com/images/critical-thinking.jpg

Saturday, October 19, 2013

8V: Mastery

                When you master something, you are one of the best people when you do it. You make minimal mistakes and basically are better than most, you might even be known for this talent. Some argue that you have to use something called deliberate practice, practicing for a purpose and doing it constantly and working on specific areas of mistake, for at least 10,000 hours or 10 years before you can become an expert. Yet others argue that, if you’re born with a natural talent, then you will take less time to become a master.
 Other vocab I learned this week:
  • Sociobiology: human behavior best explained by evolution. The genes (strong/weak) you get from your parents/the way you look or genetics effect your life.
  • Symbolic Internationalist: looks at language and gestures and movements of people and analyze them.  

8I: Majors Expo

This past week I went to the Major Expo. Though, everyone knows that ive wanted to be a teacher forever, I wasn’t expecting that I had to pick a second major this whole time, so I am still on a hunt for something that best fits who I am. While at the expo, I took a look at various tables placed around the room. Though I still have not made a final decision on what my second major will be yet, it gives me more of an idea of what possibilities are out there and what can help me further my education into something I want to do. 

8B: My Beloved World

“Love from others, keep me going.” This was the 6 words that I chose for my memoir after reading Sonia Sotomayor’s book, “My Beloved World.” I chose these 6 words because I have faced a lot of struggles in my life and the people around me really help me get through everything. Without the support and love from my community and friends and family. I wouldn’t make it through any struggles that I face.
While reading Sonia Sotomayor’s auto biography, she had faced some may struggles in her life as well. I believe this is one of the reasons that it was a required book for freshman to read. She was faced with poverty and the stereotype of the minority yet she still succeeded in life. I think that this is supposed to show freshman that, no matter what obstacles are put upon us, in life or in college, that we can succeed and become whatever we want, if we just put in the effort and keep our hopes high.
I enjoyed reading the beginning of the book with her struggles because I could relate to everything, maybe not that exact situation, but I could relate with the feeling of being put down and at your lowest, but having to overcome it, faced with many obstacles.

Though the end of the book might have been very well written and explained her life very well, I didn’t have the same connection as I did with the beginning of the book. I couldn’t relate to many of the things she was saying, so I felt a little more disconnected and a smaller desire to read the rest of the book.  So though it could have been very well written, I felt more disconnected, so that’s why I didn’t enjoy it as much.

8A: Straight A's

  For my freshman inquiry class at SCSU it was mandatory for everyone to make a blog and record the event, successes and failure of our first semester freshman. Now, for most reading, my blog illustrates my stories and experiences and opinions and advice to freshman on how to survive your first year.
                This week, I’m going to look into the blogs of others. Which blogs do I believe are worthy of the title of “A+” work. What makes a blog so good is its ability to keep someone reading. This blog should constantly keep you interested and you should be able to take away some sort of lesson or information that you will intend to use in the future. Along with that, a blogger wants you to continue to come back and read theirs in the future.  As I went through the various blogs of Professor Guarino’s INQ classes, the two that stood out to me were, “An Owls Mind” by Kali (http://anowlsmind.blogspot.com/) and “Behind Closed Doors” by Gabby (http://behindddoors.blogspot.com/). In my opinion, these blogs exemplify “A+” work for many reasons.
                First, let’s start out with, “An Owls Mind” by Kali. Her blog is insightful and gives a plentiful amount of information on each of her topics. I love how she used different fonts to draw people’s attention to important aspects. But my favorite part is how she includes quotes in some of her posts that have to do with the topic. For example under failure she puts, “"Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor." (Truman Capote.) This gives people a chance to understand it through others eyes or give a topic new prospective.
                The second blog I believe shows “A+” work is, “Behind Closed Doors” by Gabby. I enjoy this blog because I think it is very informative, yet it gives a more personal aspect to it. She tries to relate to the reader with things she has faced in her life before. She also includes pictures that represent what the post is about.

                Though everyone’s blog is really great and had great aspects of their posts, the blogs I chosen were very well rounded, yet they had specific things that made them stand out. But keep blogging everyone, strive for that A+!! 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

7V: Failure

                 When I think of failure, I think of losing. I think of having the chance at success but somehow it slipped away from you. Though, luckily, just because you fail once at something, doesn’t mean it’s over. You can keep trying till you succeed and learn from your previous failures.

                Some other vocab words that came into my life this week were discipline and achievement. Discipline, in the context I learned it in, refers to the amount of will power and strength you put on yourself to do something, whether you like it or not. And achievement is made up of two things, talent plus preparation. When you put your full effort into something you will have, hopefully, both the achievement of self-satisfaction and achievement of whatever the task was.

7I: The Teacher

                I have wanted to be a teacher forever. When I was younger I would play teacher with my best friend, Shaina and my little sister, Melissa. I always was in charge. I had to be the teacher. I would make little assignments and give out homework that they had to do before we played school next time.
                When the idea of college came up when I got into high school, there was nothing more I wanted to be. So naturally, you may guess, my major is Elementary Ed.

                This week I had to attend a meeting for people who will apply to the teaching program. Listening to it, there were a lot of requirements I didn’t know about. I have to keep a GPA above 2.7, I have to pass curtain exams and pass the application selection process. This all seems like a lot in my head and there is a part of me that is scared, but I know if I strive I will eventually get what I want and become what I’ve always wanted to be.

7B: Changing it up!!

                Back in high school, I didn’t have to go out of my way to see my friends because they are all under the same building. I would see them walking through the hall or sit with them during lunch. I would occasionally hang out with them at parties or during after school activities but it wasn’t a necessity to see them outside school because you saw them there so much.
                The thing I would have to say I’m struggling the most with is social time or time for myself. I realize I spend most days and nights in my room constantly doing my homework. Though it is a good habit to get into, I miss constantly having friends around me. And though some eager college students may be the exact opposite, I am really committed to my school work, especially during the week, because I want to do better than I did in high school. But, though I might be doing better academically, I’m struggling with meeting new people and relaxing a little more. Is being really social imperative to the college life?
                Yet I constantly find myself in my room doing work, I miss hanging out with my friends all the time. I haven’t specifically made time for the friends I have here because I’m always doing work. Yet, thinking about it, if I’m not happy and surrounded with positive supportive friends, I might wind up, overall, disliking the experience of college and not wanting to be here in general

                So this week I decided to change it up. I got most of my homework done early enough so I can text my friends and meet them for lunch, or go hang out with them in a dorm, or even go down town. I need to realize that school is important but having social time to relax and get to know more people on campus is too.
Gotta love the roommie love :)

7A: The Beginning of Your Success Story

Growing up, we are encouraged to use all of our effort to succeed, and with success comes the rewards. When we play sports and win the championships, even as children, you get the bigger trophy. In school, if you get the better grades, you get a high GPA and have the better possibility of getting into the college of your choice. Our parents would push us towards success. Most know the feeling of receiving a bad grade on a report card and have your parents take away your cell phone, friend privileges or, in our younger years, our Gameboy or TV time. These punishments would push us to do better in the future so we would never have to be punished again.
Then again, if we hadn’t received that failure and punishment, we wouldn’t have ended up working so much harder to get those privileges we had lost in the first place back. “Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement,” as said by C.S. Lewis. No one likes the feeling of failure, whether you hide it or not. When you fail at something, most will try to fix it so you and everyone around you will turn the disappointment into more of praise.
So does this mean that failure is good? Should we be praised for failing or harshly punished…or neither? Though I believe incentives can help spark success I don’t believe they should be used as a permanent; people should automatically be expected to put their very best work into something. And when a child is younger or even an adolescent and they do fail, maybe punishment or the retrieving of a treasured item can spark success.

But thinking about it, when you have truly failed, you are at your lowest of low and it cannot get worse. So the only thing left to do is just get up, brush yourself off, and try again, and no amount of yelling and/or punishing will change the fact that you messed up. You now have something to base your success on and know what doesn’t work for you and just try again. Failure isn’t the end, it’s the beginning of your success story.

Link to quote:  http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/topics/topic_failure.html#73DrWDO2TT1YSyl7.99

Saturday, October 5, 2013

6V: Persistence

                When I think about persistence I think about constantly working toward something no matter how difficult it is or how many times you fail. Though something may be difficult you have to push through and keep trying, that is persistence.

                A few other words I came across in classes this week was conflict. Though conflict is constantly viewed as a bad thing, if you don’t stand up for what you believe in, there is no progress that can be made, and who knows, people may have the same problems you do. This view of it is a new way I hadn’t looked at it before but I make a lot of sense.

6I: Quiet!!

                Living on campus can be a great experience. You get to meet new people and go out to new places. You might have some new experiences, good and bad but all this, I believe make you grow more independent.

                Yet things change as well. We all know the feeling of having our parents nag us to “stop watching TV” or “Get off the Xbox.” But if you live on campus like I do, it can be hard because I don’t have anyone yelling at me not to get distracted. My friends all live within walking distance and I can see them whenever I want, or they can come into my room and see me. But this week I decided to find another place to do my homework while my roommate had some friends in the room. I found, just by going to the common room, I got more work done because I didn’t know anyone in there and it was a much more peaceful environment. So, though, I had no one nagging me to do my work, just by leaving my phone in my room and doing my work in a quiet room, I got more work done than usual.

6B: One Step at a Time

                In this first month of school, we have learned concepts that have taught us how to essentially survive our freshman year. But we have also learned the ways to succeed our first year. We will face so many new problems and struggles this year because, so many of us are under a brand new environment with no one to tell us, or no one to really help us through this, because everyone around us is new at this. So every article we reading are helping us make it through the first year successfully
                This week’s article was no different. We read “Angela Duckworth and the Research on ‘Grit’ by Emily Hanford” article (http://americanradioworks.publicradio.org/features/tomorrows-college/grit/angela-duckworth-grit.html) about grit, or the ability to ultimately overcome and finish large, challenging tasks. People with the motivation to complete the tasks at hand no matter how tough, have the most grit. This could directly relate with the motivation articles we read some time ago. You need to focus on something that is important to you, or your overall goals of why you want to finish college and set your mind to making and completing them through small easy steps.

                One thing that stood out to me in this week’s reading, though, was, “the grittiest students—not the smartest ones—had the highest GPAs.” In other words, you don’t have to be naturally smart to be smart in school. If you work towards your goals and have a high motivation, you have the ability to succeed, you just have to work towards it. 

6A: Newtown Strong

I have faced many challenges throughout my life that have forced me to become stronger, or change my ways in order to overcome. At one point, in most everyone’s life, they have struggled with something that knocked them out of their normal routine and challenged them which could have caused change or reevaluation. Whether you were the weird one throughout your school years or the quiet one. Maybe you were a little out spoken or maybe you just stood out from the rest. Either way, those events have the ability to drastically change you, or mold you into who you are now. 
                My struggle happened fast and without warning on December 14, 2012. I was in personal finance at around 9:30am. We were watching some video on identity thieves. I remember constantly hearing sirens buzz by my school, so naturally I’m curious, thinking there may have been a bad accident or a local business robbery. Not too long after the Principal comes over the speakers saying that we are put into lock down. Everyone silently goes to the side of the room and sits on the floor. It only takes moments before the text messages start rolling in from different cell phones; there was a shooting in my town at the elementary school a mile down the road, Sandy Hook. While everyone start to try to gather more information, I sit in the corner with a thousand thoughts racing through my mind. I had went there for five years, the children I babysit for every week for the past three years were there. I was in a panic, people were constantly coming up to me in my class (people I had never spoken to) and asking me if I was okay and offering their comfort.
                Later I would find out that the children I babysit for were alright but children who live all around me had lost their lives. Not a day goes by, still, that I don’t think about that day or everything that happened after. And even after that day, I would face the challenge of finding my new normal. I struggle with the ability of feeling safe.
                One thing that helped me cope was the feeling of community all around me. Everyone in school was nice to everyone. If someone looked upset, they would receive hugs and comfort from dozens of people from whom they might not have even known. I loved how everyone was so friendly to everyone, which was definitely a huge step in the direction of healing.
                Along with this and the months following, I never knew how to give back to my community, such as so many had. This caused me to isolate myself and my feelings in the beginning. But I eventually got participate in numerous charity musical events, where I get to work with professionals and use my passion to let out my emotions and give back happiness to my community. Along with that my college scholarship that paid for a large portion of my first year tuition, was a We Are Newtown remembrance scholarship. Though this tragedy had to happen, I have received so much from it which had eased the pain and caused me to grow.

                Though I still struggle with some issues resulting from that day, I do realize that those events and the ones following have changed me. I have become more independent and out spoken then I once was. I know how to stand up for myself and my beliefs. Though I not be happy with the way I had to discover these new things about myself. I am happy with the person I have become today.

Charity Show I participated in this summer: Seussical The Musical

Saturday, September 28, 2013


Agency is defined as relating to action, power, movement, initiative.
                This can relate basically with every college student. If you don’t take action and do your work or try your hardest you will fail most definitely. But say that you take agency by doing your work, then you will succeed.

                In my case I have taken agency and have done all of my school work and am continuing to do my very best. I am taking action and movement and applying them to my own life and my own situation. Though college may be more work to some, if you figure out some way to break it down to what works for you, you have the opportunity to succed.